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First Baptist Haysville

Discovering God's Will: A Call To Be Living Sacrifices

Understanding God's Will: A Call to Be Living Sacrifices


In this week's sermon, we delved into Romans 12 and explored what it means to live out God's will. The message emphasized the importance of being available to God, understanding the true meaning of sacrifice, and recognizing that God's will is centered on others. This summary will help you grasp the key points and apply them to your life.

God's Will is Perfecting Us

God's will is described as good, pleasing, and perfect. This doesn't mean we will achieve perfection, but rather that God is perfecting and maturing us. Often, we feel inadequate to fulfill God's will because of our perceived limitations. However, God is more interested in our availability than our ability. He uses us to perfect us, regardless of our shortcomings.

The True Meaning of Sacrifice

The concept of sacrifice often carries a negative connotation in our culture. We think of it as giving up something valuable for less in return. However, in the context of following Jesus, the blessings far outweigh the sacrifices. Matthew 19:29 assures us that anyone who sacrifices for the kingdom will receive a hundredfold and inherit eternal life. The story of the rich young ruler illustrates this principle, showing that true sacrifice leads to greater blessings.

God's Will is Others-Centered

Living out God's will means focusing on others rather than ourselves. Romans 12:3 encourages us to think of ourselves with sober judgment and to recognize that our faith and gifts are given by God. We are one body in Christ, each with different functions and gifts, all meant to serve others and advance God's kingdom.

Using Our Spiritual Gifts

Romans 12:4-6 highlights that we are many members of one body, each with different gifts. These gifts are given by God's grace and are meant to be used. Whether it's teaching, serving, exhorting, giving, leading, or showing mercy, we are called to step up and use our gifts for the benefit of the church and the world.

Are We a Cruise Ship or a Battleship?

The church is often compared to a cruise ship or a battleship. On a cruise ship, everything is catered to the passengers' comfort. On a battleship, everyone has a job to do, and the focus is on the mission. As believers, we are called to be part of a battleship, actively participating in God's mission rather than being passive spectators.

Life Application

Get in the Game

God's will cannot be experienced sitting down. We are called to be active participants, using our gifts and talents to serve others and advance God's kingdom. Just as players on a sports team are actively involved in the game, we too must get out of the stands and into the field.

Be a Living Sacrifice

Romans 12:1 calls us to present our bodies as living sacrifices. This means continually offering ourselves to God, sacrificing our own desires for His will. It's an ongoing process of transformation and renewal.

Questions to Reflect On

1. Are you making yourself available to God, despite your perceived limitations?

2. How do you view sacrifice in your life? Are you willing to give up something valuable for the sake of God's kingdom?

3. Are you focusing on others and using your spiritual gifts to serve them?

4. Are you actively participating in God's mission, or are you a passive spectator?

5. Have you crawled off the altar? What steps can you take to become a living sacrifice again?


Living out God's will involves being available, understanding true sacrifice, focusing on others, and actively using our spiritual gifts. This week, challenge yourself to get in the game and be a living sacrifice. Reflect on the questions above and take steps to align your life with God's perfect will. Let's be about the work that He has for us as a church and as individuals.

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