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First Baptist Haysville

Understanding the Magnificent Love of Jesus | John 17:24-26


Good morning, First Baptist Church! Today, we delve into the third part of our Advent series, "Behold the Savior Comes." This series has been a journey through the themes of hope, peace, and now, love. As we explore the coming of love through Jesus Christ, we will reflect on how His love transforms us and compels us to share it with the world.

The Three Types of Love in Scripture

What Are the Different Types of Love in the Bible?

In the Bible, love is expressed through three Greek words:

1. Phileo - Brotherly love.

2. Eros - Romantic love.

3. Agape - Unconditional, sacrificial love.

Jesus embodies agape love, stepping into our world to show us this perfect, unconditional love.

Jesus' High Priestly Prayer

What Did Jesus Pray for Us?

In John 17:24-26, Jesus prays for His disciples and all future believers. This prayer, known as the High Priestly Prayer, reveals Jesus' desire for us to be with Him and to experience His glory. He prays for our unity and for the love of God to be in us.

Magnificent Love: Given and Shared

How Are We to Respond to Jesus' Love?

1. Shown Magnificent Love: We have been shown a magnificent love by Jesus, not to hoard it, but to share it. Jesus prays for those who are far away to be brought near, emphasizing the importance of reaching out to others with His love.

2. Testify to Jesus' Glory: Our lives should testify to Jesus' glory. We are called to make His name famous and to live in a way that reflects His love and sacrifice.

3. Jesus is Still Working: Jesus continues to work today, making His name known. Our mission is not over until the whole world knows Him.

4. Jesus Works Through His Church: Jesus prays that His love would be in us and that we would be vessels of His love to the world.

Life Application

How Can We Apply This to Our Lives?

As we reflect on Jesus' prayer and His love, let's consider how we can be vessels of His love in our daily lives. Here are a few questions to ponder:

1. Who Are You Praying For?: Who in your life needs to know Jesus? Make a list and commit to praying for them daily.

2. How Are You Testifying to Jesus' Glory?: Are your actions and words reflecting Jesus' love and glory? Look for opportunities to share His love with others.

3. Are You a Vessel or an Obstacle?: Are you allowing Jesus' love to flow through you, or are you an obstacle that He has to work around?

Challenge for the Week

This week, let's challenge ourselves to be more intentional in sharing Jesus' love. Whether it's through a kind word, a helping hand, or sharing the gospel, let's make His love known. Reflect on the following:

- Pray for the Lost: Set a daily reminder to pray for those who don't know Jesus.

- Share Your Faith: Look for opportunities to share your faith with others.

- Be Generous: Consider how you can be more generous with your time, resources, and love.


Jesus' love is magnificent and transformative. As we celebrate this Advent season, let's remember His prayer for us and strive to be vessels of His love. May we be passionate about sharing His love and making His name known. Let's go forth, knowing that we are loved and called to love others in return. Amen.

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