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Honoring God: A Call to True Worship and Service

First Baptist Haysville


In this week's sermon, we delved into the book of Malachi, focusing on the theme of honoring God. The message highlighted the failures of the priests, the sacrificial system, the temple, tithing, ministry, and worship in the Old Testament. These failures serve as a stark reminder of the importance of genuine worship and service to God. Let's explore these points in detail and understand how we can apply these lessons to our lives today.

The Failure of the Priests

How Did the Priests Fail?

The priests, descendants of Aaron, were supposed to shepherd the people and turn their hearts towards God. However, they dishonored God continually. They failed to set a good example, creating a culture of dishonor by not dealing with sin and listening to the people's wishes instead of God's word.

The Importance of Leadership

Jesus emphasized that leaders and teachers would be judged more strictly (James 3:1). The priests' failure to lead by example resulted in the people's hearts turning away from God. This serves as a reminder that those in leadership positions must uphold God's standards and guide others towards Him.

The Sacrificial System Failed

What Went Wrong with the Sacrificial System?

The people offered blind, lame, and sick animals as sacrifices, which God deemed unacceptable. This act of giving less than their best showed a lack of reverence and honor towards God.

Giving Our Best to God

When we give to God, it should be our best, not our leftovers. This principle applies not only to our offerings but also to our time, talents, and resources. God deserves our utmost respect and honor in all aspects of our lives.

The Temple Failed

Why Did the Temple Fail?

The temple, where people connected with God, failed to change their hearts. God expressed His displeasure by saying He would rather have the doors shut than accept insincere worship.

The Presence of God in Us

Today, God's presence lives within us through the Holy Spirit. We don't need a physical temple to connect with God. Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and we must honor God with our lives (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Tithing Failed

The Issue with Tithing

The people gave polluted and moldy offerings, showing a lack of genuine worship. They worshipped their wealth instead of God.

Worshiping God with Our Wealth

Jesus taught that we cannot serve both God and money (Matthew 6:24). Our giving should be done cheerfully and generously, reflecting our love and reverence for God. It's not about the amount but the heart behind the giving.

Ministry Failed

The Weariness of Ministry

The people found ministry to be a burden and snorted at it. They failed to see the importance of serving God and others.

The Joy of Serving

There is a difference between being weary in ministry and being weary from ministry. Serving God should bring joy and fulfillment. When we serve with the right heart, we reflect God's love and make a positive impact on those around us.

Worship Failed

The Problem with Worship

The people offered stolen, crippled, and sick animals as offerings, which God rejected. Their worship was insincere and dishonoring to God.

True Worship

True worship is about honoring God with our whole lives. It's not just about singing songs but living in a way that reflects our love and reverence for Him. We must worship God in spirit and truth, giving Him the honor He deserves.

Life Application

Applying the Lessons

The failures of the Old Testament point us to the need for Jesus, who never fails. Jesus is our high priest, our perfect sacrifice, and our temple. He calls us to be a royal priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices and serving others.

Questions to Reflect On

1. Are you giving God your best in all areas of your life?

2. Is your worship sincere and honoring to God?

3. How can you serve God and others with joy and fulfillment?

4. Are there any idols in your life that are taking the place of God?

Challenge for the Week

This week, take time to evaluate your worship and service to God. Identify areas where you may be giving less than your best and make a conscious effort to honor God in those areas. Reflect on the questions above and seek to align your heart and actions with God's will.


Honoring God is not just about following rituals or giving offerings; it's about living a life that reflects our love and reverence for Him. As we strive to honor God in all we do, let's remember that Jesus is our perfect example and source of strength. May our lives be a testament to His greatness and love.

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