Day 1: Understanding Authority
Devotional: Authority can be a challenging concept, especially when it conflicts with our personal beliefs. Romans 13:1-3 reminds us that all authority is instituted by God. This means that even when we disagree with our leaders, we are called to submit to them as an act of obedience to God. This was particularly difficult for early Christians under Nero's rule, yet they were still called to honor the authority placed over them. Our primary citizenship is in heaven, and our focus should be on fulfilling our God-given purpose rather than solely protecting our rights. By obeying authority, we maintain a clear conscience and build credibility and influence, following Jesus' example of obedience even unto death on a Roman cross.
Verse: Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. - Romans 13:1
Question: How can you honor and submit to authority in your life, even when it conflicts with your personal beliefs?
Quote: Submission is not a dirty word.
Prayer: Lord, help me to understand and respect the authority You have placed in my life. Give me the strength to submit even when it is difficult, and help me to focus on fulfilling my God-given purpose. Amen.
Day 2: The Role of Government
Devotional: Government is often seen as a necessary evil, but it serves a crucial role in providing protection, structure, and stability. As Christians, we are called to respect and honor the positions of authority, even if we do not always agree with the individuals in those positions. This can be challenging, especially in times of political turmoil. However, our fight is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces. By focusing on our purpose and mission, we can navigate these challenges with grace and wisdom.
Verse: He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. - Daniel 2:21
Question: In what ways can you show respect for governmental authority while still standing firm in your faith?
Quote: Government is strictly a skeleton. It's a frame to bring protection and structure and stability.
Prayer: Father, grant me the wisdom to navigate the complexities of government and authority. Help me to respect the positions of authority while staying true to my faith and purpose. Amen.
Day 3: The Spiritual Battle
Devotional: Our true battle is not against people but against spiritual forces. When we focus on societal issues, we can easily be distracted from our true mission. Satan wants to seduce the church into waging war on society's skeletal issues so he can hold onto its heart without being challenged. By recognizing this, we can redirect our efforts towards fulfilling our God-given purpose and spreading the gospel. Jesus never fought over His rights but always fulfilled His purpose, even in the face of suffering.
Verse: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. - Ephesians 6:12
Question: How can you shift your focus from societal issues to fulfilling your God-given purpose?
Quote: Our fight is not flesh and blood. It's spiritual.
Prayer: Lord, help me to see beyond the societal issues and recognize the spiritual battle at hand. Give me the strength to focus on my purpose and spread Your gospel. Amen.
Day 4: The Example of Jesus
Devotional: Jesus is our ultimate example of submission and obedience. He never fought for His rights but always fulfilled His purpose, even unto death on a cross. This is a powerful reminder that our focus should be on our mission rather than our rights. By following Jesus' example, we can grow in faith and influence. Society may have forgotten that submission is a God-honoring quality, but as Christians, we are called to live it out daily.
Verse: Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered. - Hebrews 5:8
Question: In what areas of your life can you follow Jesus' example of submission and obedience?
Quote: Jesus never ever fought over his rights, did he? But he always fulfilled his purpose.
Prayer: Jesus, thank You for being the ultimate example of submission and obedience. Help me to follow Your example and focus on my God-given purpose. Amen.
Day 5: Living Out Our Purpose
Devotional: Our citizenship in heaven outweighs our citizenship on earth. This means that our primary focus should be on fulfilling our God-given purpose. By obeying authority and living out our mission, we can build credibility and influence. This is not always easy, especially when faced with difficult decisions. However, by keeping our eyes on Jesus and following His example, we can navigate these challenges with grace and wisdom.
Verse: Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. - Romans 13:7
Question: How can you live out your God-given purpose in your daily life?
Quote: Our citizenship in heaven outweighs is greater than the citizenship that we live here on this earth.
Prayer: Father, help me to live out my God-given purpose each day. Give me the strength to obey authority and build credibility and influence for Your glory. Amen.